Thoughts from Us

Using Analytics and Practical Tools to Drive Succession Planning

A SHRM Webcast

Presenters: Michael Johnson and Scott Mondore, SMD

While organizations have evolved substantially in how they develop a strong pipeline of leadership and plan their talent for succession, significant gaps still exist. The persistent inability to determine and measure the connection between talent and business outcomes continues to impede the potential of succession planning processes within organizations.

In this program, you will learn the key steps that make up a sound succession planning system. You will also hear how you can help identify where to focus investments by unlocking the hidden potential of your talent. Presenters Michael Johnson and Scott Mondore will share how to better assess your talent based on the competencies, skills, experiences and other elements that affect business outcomes, by quantifying the quality of your talent pool.

In addition, the program will provide practical tools and activities that are necessary for a strong succession planning system, including

- How to have impactful developmental conversations with employees at all levels
- How to improve the effectiveness of your strategic workforce planning meetings.


Speaking Events

The Aspen Institute
Reskilling America: Career and Technical Education in the Twenty-First Century

Panelist: Michael Johnson



HCI Next Generation CHRO Panel

Panelist: Michael Johnson